Friday, October 24, 2008

More politics--I'm really gonna get in trouble

In another conversation I had yesterday with a friend talking about biblical values in politics I made this point: there is a philosophical difference between four points of view on abortion. I'm sure there's really more than 4, but these 4 stick out to me: pro-life, anti-choice, pro-choice, pro-abortion.

Now no one I know calls themselves anti-choice or pro-abortion. However that is exactly how those who see themselves as either pro-life or pro-choice define the opposite viewpoint. I do think that there are those in the world who are pro-abortion. They identify abortion directly with feminism, and therefore have the philosophy that the greater number of abortions there are, the greater freedom is being exercised by women. But I think these people are extremely rare (not to mention dead wrong).

There are also people who are anti-choice. These are people who I think are really bothered by other people's sins, so they want laws that keep sin out of our society (forget that those same people can't even keep sin out of their own lives). These are the fundamentalists that want to enforce whatever brand of outward holiness that they deem appropriate. Unfortunately, while not the majority, I do think that there are way too many Christians in this category.

But the vast majority of people are either pro-life or pro-choice. Those who are pro-choice are often uncomfortable with abortion, but ultimately come to see it as a woman's choice in consultation with her important relationship. Those who are pro-life are also uncomfortable with abortion, and see it as a part of their calling to represent these unborn children since they have no advocation of their own.

Is there a way that everyone who is uncomfortable with abortion can come together and figure out the best way to reduce the number of unborn children who are killed? I think there is. I certainly don't think it can be found in exclusively overturning Roe v Wade or any other laws. Anyone who thinks that there were not abortions when they were illegal needs to read more history. Or at least watch "The Cidar House Rules." But there has to be a way that we can stop arguing philosophical underpinnings long enough to agree that abortion is tragic, and come up with ways to lessen the societal impact it has?


Kyle Burkholder said...

you are going to get into trouble.


well said, though.

Anonymous said...

Your points are solid, and shouldn't be viewed as threatening or troublesome. I don't believe enough Christians ask tough questions, nor do I believe enough Christians really know why they believe what they say they believe.

And to your point about abortion, my gut is that the majority of Christians lean more toward pro-choice than we would care to admit. Then again, we'd also like to think we'll never be faced with the painful experience of having to make a decision about an unsafe or unwanted pregnancy.

Pro-life? Absolutely. Anti-choice? I wonder. I really wonder.

-The "Abortion Conversation" friend